Businesses that benefit from the steel industry

Steel Industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of India, with its gross crude steel production crossing 101.227 MT in 2017, making it the second largest producer of Steel in the world. Steel’s superiority over other substances in terms of strength, availability, durability, etc. make it a quintessential element of our economy. Employing over a few million people in the country, a large number of industries are dependent on steel directly and indirectly.

Here’s a list of industries that benefit from the Steel Industry:

Infrastructure: The foremost use of steel is found in structures, be it commercial complexes, industries or homes. They are built with the RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) building methodology, where the cement-concrete mix is poured over steel framing. The ductility and high tensile stress-bearing capacity of steel play a large role in its use for strengthening modern structures.

Transportation: Around 16% of steel manufactured throughout the world is used to meet transport needs, including the automotive industry. Steel is also essential to the related infrastructure: a road, bridges, ports, stations, airports and fueling. Steel’s versatility, along with the ability to reproduce accurate shapes through moulding, is vital for its use in cars and their machinery.

Agriculture: Right from the piping, to the farming equipment, steel is used extensively in the agriculture industry. Dairy storage tanks, cutters, sprinklers, fences and partitions, harvesters, etc. are just some of its many uses. Being corrosion resistant makes it a perfect choice for irrigation piping, water tankers, taps, etc. The agriculture industry and its vast applications are dependent on steel for their modernized processes.

Also check out: How do steel industries ensure energy conservation

Defense: Boasting an extreme tensile strength and toughness, steel has been used in the defence systems since the advent of Roman Empire. Ballistics, transport vehicles, containers, protective alloys, naval ships, aircrafts, communication systems, mappers, artillery guns, etc. are some of the defence technologies that predominantly depend on steel for its exceptional quality and availability.

HealthCare: Medical equipment and machinery, right from the scalpels to the huge MRI scanners, constitute steel alloys for a major portion of their production. Anti-corrosion property of steel makes it preferable for its usage as scalpels and other equipment, as the metal won’t rust despite the constant washing.

Manufacturing: Modern lifestyle choices and industrialization has drastically increased the demand for steel in domestic and international markets for steel-based manufacturing machinery. Robotics, assembly lines, conveyors, sprays, storage tanks, coolers, boilers, etc. have steel as a major component. Any and all manufacturing facilities depend on the versatile properties of steel and its usage in the production industry, owing to its accurate castings and heat-resistance.

Economics: With a huge chunk of revenue obtained from the steel industry, the Government of India has realized the importance of steel as a building material, implementing numerous policies to promote its use on the domestic level. The exports of finished steel products have increased over the last few months and are estimated to grow further, bringing in the foreign revenue.

Our Steel Industry will continue to serve as a stimulus to national development and as an economic boost to the industrial development of a country. Agni Steels is a proud contributor to the development of the Indian Steel Industry.

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