The steel industry has taken massive leaps forward in terms of technology and infrastructure over the past decade. In fact, over half the steel products currently in use today, was not in existence ten years ago. This is proof of the massive development in infrastructure and technology that the steel industry has been subject to.
The steel industry has been historically viewed as an enemy of the environment, but slowly, this perception is beginning to change. The global steel industry is collectively taking steps to make sustainability an unshakeable aspect of this industry. The research behind steel use has allowed us to minimize the carbon footprint of steel production. Steel has now evolved from being an obstacle to ecological preservation, to being an ally.
Here are a few of the ways that the steel industry has evolved to meet the global need for sustainability-
1. Saving Water: While producing steel 30 years ago may have been fairly resource intensive, currently steel is an industry that is really light on resources that do not include essential raw materials. 90% of the water used the global steel industry is cooled, cleaned and returned to source, even then most of the loss is caused evaporation, wherein the water returns to the water cycle.
2. Saving Electricity: Through constant research and development, the energy used to produce a ton of steel today has reduced 60% in the last 50 years.
3. Constant Recyclability: Steel is infinitely recyclable and can be recycled over and over again without the slightest loss of strength. While this may be an ingrained quality of steel, the steel industry as a whole has upped its efforts to capture and recycle steel products. The recovery and reuse of steel products has reached a 97.6% material efficiency rate according to Worldsteel organization. Steel is today the most recycled material in the world, with over 600 mega tonnes recycled annually.
4. Promoting Sustainability: It is not only the Steel Industry driving change, but also the material steel itself. Steel is the most widely used material used in the field of renewable energy. Steel has found vital use in the generation of clean energy through solar, wind and tidal means, and is the most widely used material fo renewable energy infrastructure.
Agni Steels is a supporter of continued sustainability practices in the global and domestic steel industry, while using wind energy to supplement our energy needs for production.